Hi girls! Today my post is gonna be about Zoë Saldana! I've found some inspiration in an old, American magazine where she quoted "I want to have more sex, travel more, drink more wine and love life" MM interesting, isn't it? I found it way out so I googled her and I've discovered that she already has got an amazing career as an actress (ex: Avatar) and as a model as well (vb: calvin klein underwear)
gelijkenissen zijn moeilijk te achterhalen.. let maar op bij deze foto :
the similarities are tricky to find.. watch this photo:
Oke, nadat je de gelijkenissen hebt gevonden.. kan ik verder gaan met m'n post! Ze is een erg mooie dame, a born star, uit New Jersey.. maar woonde ook lang in de Domunicaanse Republiek! Vandaar waarschijnlijk haar bruine velletje. Hier krijgen jullie nog een leuke foto van haar Calvin Klein-shoot.
Okay, if you found the similarities.. I'll move on with my post! She's a very beautiful lady, a born star, from New Jersey.. but she lived in the Domunic Republic as well! Probably her brown colour from there! Now you get a few photos from the Calvin Klein-shoot; enjoy!
Zo, wat denken jullie? Hot OR Not?
So, what do you think? Hot OR Not?
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