Friday, December 3, 2010

Where did the week go?? Friday Previews...

Every week I think I'm going to post about this and that, and then the week gets away from me!  I guess it's the craziness of the season and increased work - which is always good! This week at The Skirted Roundtable, we chatted with design great Kathryn Ireland and the podcast will be up as soon as I get it edited! Kathryn was fun to chat with - she lives a totally crazy life which is why it took us FOUR tries to get the conversation on tape! As soon as I get the podcast up we'll also be pulling the name for the winner of the One King's Lane Giveaway from last week. So, you still have time to enter!  Meanwhile, next week, we're chatting with author Vicki Archer of the blog and book French Essence.

The nice folks at Sears sent me this Kenmore Intuition Vacuum cleaner to review and I have to say, it's pretty great. I'll have real review coming with more details, but wanted to give them a shout out. I keep waiting to see if UPS will deliver a manservant to go with it. Not looking promising but you'll hear the whooping if it does happen.

Last weekend I visiting a great shop in Hingham, MA called Beyond Gorgeosity. They specialize in mid-century furnishings and accessories (like the amazing Paolo Buffa 1940's cabinet above) and have quite an amazing collection. I took a bunch of photos and have a post planned (in my head!). All I have to do is download the pics from the camera, edit them, upload them and write the post.

Most bloggers do a Friday wrap up of the posts they DID do - and here I am doing one of the posts I planned on doing. Call it Previews.

Meanwhile, what I AM doing this weekend (aside from getting caught up) is performing in a Christmas Concert in Needham, MA (outside of Boston). I'm playing Three Carols for Christmas for Flute and Piano. Below is a little snippet of last nights rehearsal with some festive photos I've taken over time. Enjoy your weekend!

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