Hi bloggers! ;) Today i'm posting some great things, they have something to do with me! I'm sitting here in a jeans, a white shirt and pink polished nails in front of my MacBook.. with my hair messy and some mascara and concealer. Mmm ferrero rochers next to me.. things should go wrong here! I've got the third season from gossip girl for Christmas and I'm very happy! The sweet sentences; gossip and blackmail. full of inspiration! Tomorrow, the heavy work is starting! sit-ups, jogging, hockey.. a total fitness work out is waiting! Yeah right ;-)
een kleinigheidje om nog te vermelden.. deze film vind ik persoonlijk prachtig en een echte aanrader! The Notebook! Romantiek, liefde, passie, ... alles in één!
A little thing to notice.. this movie is beautiful and a real must-see! The Notebook! Romantic, a love story, passion,.. it's all in one!
What do you think?
Follow me & stay tuned! xxxx