Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Robert Stanek shat directly into my soul: More

I'm sure you all remember my "Pathetic..." blog post regarding fantasy hack Robert Stanek, the legless wonder.

Well, understandably, such a hard-working author always has something on the backburner. Here's the blurb from his newest work:

Readers all over the world are discovering the works of Robert Stanek. Fans have called his books the Star Wars of fantasy, and liken his writing to a wonderful cross between JRR Tolkien and JK Rowling. We tend to think that the books are just plain fun to read. Filled with mystery, intrigue, adventure, and magic the books transport readers to a world unlike any other. In this insightful book, you get the real scoop on Robert Stanek. From his childhood days to his recent success with the Ruin Mist books, this outstanding book sheds new light on his life and his struggle to excel as a writer. His story is a story of hope and dreams, and in many ways, reading this book is like visiting with an old friend.

Robert Stanek: Candid Conversations About His Life, Work, and Writing. I kid you not. . .



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