Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here comes the bride: The Goring Hotel, or Kate slept here

As we all know, the wedding of the decade takes place tomorrow (sorry, Las Vegas, it's not Steve Winn's nuptials that are also taking place this weekend). As royal wedding watchers in England have been camping out in the streets in front of Westminster Abbey, and as we in the rest of the world are debating what time we will be waking up to watch the festivities on television, bride-to-be Kate Middleton and her family are taking up residence at the 100 year old, family owned,  Goring Hotel, along with members of various European royal families.
The Goring Hotel is situated conveniently near Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace.

A beautiful black, cream and white lobby welcomes visitors, along with a bronze statue of the hotel's founder.

Kate slept here? 

The Splendid Silk Rooms

This room features reddish/orange silk wallcoverings and white furnishings. Very bridal.  This room was newly refurbished in 2009 and is one of six rooms done in this fashion.

This decidedly masculine suite features midnight blue silk wallcoverings and rust velvet pillows and upholstery.

This suite, part of a group called the Belgravia Suites, was designed by Nina Campbell

A Junior Suite

If you were Kate, which room would be your pick?

Here comes the bride!

The official program book of the wedding is available for download here:

On a serious note, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those across the South who have been affected by the devastating series of tornadoes that have caused so much damage and loss of life. Please know that your friends across the country are waiting to do what we can to help.

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