Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Nice!" comments A&F!

Screenshot of Facebook.com. Sorry for the annoying black boxes, but I had to obscure personal info. | Click on image to enlarge.
As you all know (those of you who read my An Abercrombie Invitation (and Flirting)...Are You In? post), had a really great time at A&F more than a week ago and shared with you one particular shirt that I bought. I shared the picture on the Abercrombie & Fitch official page (and I say "official page" because there are loads of fake A&F pages out there) on Facebook. My photo scored a sweet number of 10 likes, and one person even posted it as their profile pic! lol Not only only, but it also garnered a comment by A&F! Apparently, my photo was sooo good it captured Abercrombie's attention to the fullest (and A&F rarely comments on fan photos)! "Nice!" posted Abercrombie & Fitch...Now how cool is that! What more could a fan want? :)

Stay FIERCE everyone!


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