Though I don't have the exact numbers, it is doubtless the review for Steven Erikson's Reaper's Gale. Simon Taylor sent me a set of page proofs more than 3 months before the book's release date, and since there were no ARCs my review was the only one out there. Understandably, it was linked all over the place.
But the number 2 spot is held by a novel which was a failure to launch on basically every level. Those who were already fans of the Hotlist in 2007 will probably have fond memories of my review for David Bilsborough's The Wanderer's Tale.
Things had gotten off to a shaky start when the author made a bit of an ass of himself in an interview we did before I read his debut.
Bloated and slow-paced, it took me about a month to finish The Wanderer's Tale. Moreover, Bilsborough's debut forced me to reconsider my unwritten rule to always complete a novel I begin reading. Since then, any book that fails to catch my interest will be dropped and go unreviewed.
Follow this link to read (or reread) what is likely the second most popular review in the history of Pat's Fantasy Hotlist.