During my week here at Trianon Antiques (which ends today), I've been sitting among some of the most beautiful French and European antiques and wondering whose lives have they touched and whose fingers have run over the same woods and stones? Who sat at the 18th C Italian marble topped writing table that I am currently using a laptop on while sipping an iced coffee and eating apple wedges? Was it a genteel lady writing to her paramour with feather pen and a cup of cafe at hand? Perhaps she too was eating an apple. Or was it the paramour reading her thoughts while sipping a cognac? What have these antiques seen over the years? Whose lives have the chandeliers and sconces lit and what secrets do they hold? Have you ever sat and really pondered that? Does it make you feel connected to those lives untold?
I've always loved taking photos from unusual anlges. Anyone can get a photo of the Eiffel Tower straight on - heck, just buy a post card or download an image. My photos from my first time there were of the angles of the legs and from the dead center middle looking up - the underbelly as it were. Again - whose lives have trod those many steps or ridden the elevators that move at an angle?
We've all seen gorgeous chandeliers - in magazines and in stores. Have you ever just "looked up"?