Sunday, May 31, 2009

Shingle Homes of Cape Cod

Over the last week, I've been posting about some really beautiful homes on Cape Cod - from white houses to yellow houses. Today, I want to share a series of shingle homes along the tour. These houses are all in Osterville, MA and range from new to old.

This home below is fairly new and is designed in a classic Hampton's/Nantucket style with low overhanging porch and gabled roof line.


Here's a closeup of the side front with a nice little seating area on the porch and note the bird houses in the gable - such a sweet little detail!

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This house below was actually a small, single story ranch house that has been added on to. I think they did an excellent job of keeping a modest proportion, yet adding some lovely details such as the curved portico over the front door. We've all seen overly "done" home makeovers, but this one, which bares a similarity to the home above, maintains a simple elegance that I found really charming.


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As I've said, I love a yellow house, but I also love a pink house, which are harder to find. This little bungalow below has the most darling pink shutters - a rare choice for a Cape home. All the details here are really special. The porch balustrade has the lovely little diamond detail and the center gable has a similar diamond detail panel as well. The shutters are raised panel as opposed to the standard louvered versions - which highlights the pink as well. They were smart not to over do the pink - but using a white trim on the the windows and porch. A heavier hand with the color would have deducted from the charm and turned this into a Pepto Bismol pink mess.

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And another small shingled house with an unusual shutter and door color - a bluish green. Again, the color isn't over played and white is used on the trim and fence. The front door has a gorgeous pair of lantern lights and topiary. Perfection!


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Our last house is perhaps the oldest of these shingle homes - this looks to be a true summer house whose owners haven't opened it up yet for the season. It's been so cold and dark here this Spring, one can't blame them! The screen porch on the left and balcony above show a real penchant for outdoor living and entertaining, I think! This house looks asleep and just needs its owners to come in and wake it up with wide open windows and freshly planted annuals in the window boxes!

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I hope you enjoyed this little tour of Cape Cod Shingle style homes! Coming up are a series of homes made in old church buildings and a movie shoot I happened upon!


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