Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Upgrade. We can't afford not to.

Contributed by Lori Dolnick

I was visiting with a client the other day who asked me to write a headline. The gist of the headline was that we need quality products. We can’t afford to buy and re-buy products that are cheap. It’s bad for the environment and it’s just a waste of our money. I couldn’t agree more. While I don’t have the perfect line for this client yet… I did have a couple of distinct experiences that prove the point.

I purchased a lamp for $8.00. It actually looked cool on the box. But after assembling the lamp – it leaned to one side. And the plastic globe didn’t even cover the light bulb. Ok. Lesson learned. I went back and paid $60 for the real deal. $60 is still cheap for a lamp – but it might actually last a little bit. The not-so-funny part is that the cheap lamp I was replacing had endured since college. And that was over 20 years ago. I paid under $20 for that lamp. But, as the saying goes: they don’t make them like they used to.

Pillow time. I’m replacing pillows at an alarming rate. These
“lifetime” memory foam pillows are lasting me about a year. So I thought – gee – I’ll just buy a cheap one and who cares if it doesn’t last. Well say goodbye to sleep. And hello stiff neck. I had to run out and buy the expensive version once again.

So now that times are tight. Instead of paying less for lesser products… I’m of the strong opinion we just need to be more selective. I’d rather do without – than live with cheap versions of what I really need and want. I only end up replacing them or being unhappy with them. I’d rather have less – and in the end – have something more.

Contributed by Lori Dolnick.

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