A couple of months ago, my Mom and I were perusing a local antiques shop and I came across an octagonal cake plate with handle that was a near perfect match for my set. What a cute way to serve coffee and dessert! My mother, being a depression baby herself, and knowing that business is slow for me right now, looked a little skeptical at me as I cooed over the pretty pink and gold plate. There may have been some comment made about paying the mortgage. (rasa frasa grumble grumble...) So, I left it where it was. Because, no matter how old (ahem) we get, our mothers still have power over us.
But I was sad and knew had she not been there, I would have justified the expenditure and bought it. I mentioned it to a couple of friends (it was still on my mind, you see), both of whom felt I should have bought it anyway. What would we do without our friends! It wasn't terribly expensive, afterall. But, it wasn't a necessity either.
Anyway, a few days ago, a mysterious package arrived on my door step. Guess what is was?
So sweet.
It's not about the cake stand after all.