Sunday, April 5, 2009

Decorati Bloggerati Scavenger Hunt

The nice folks at Simon & Schuster have sent me two copies of Domino: The Book of Decorating to send to two lucky readers!

I thought since so many people are mourning the loss of Domino Magazine, it would be the perfect time to be introduced to some new, and some not so new, decorating blogs. We are the new magazines!

So, the rules of the scavenger hunt are simple. In the comments, tell us about 4 blogs, or specific posts, that :
  • inspired you to try something new (DIY, flea market find, etc)
  • introduce us to a blog you think should get more attention
  • the most "real" blog
  • The blog that inspired you to become, or at least consider becoming, a blogger
and as a bonus:
  • a post on your own blog that you would like to introduce to new readers.
Post your links in the comments (I'll do the same!) and the week after Easter I'll randomly select two winners. If you have any trouble posting links, feel free to email them to me and I'll try to get them posted for you! linda.m.merrill (at)

p.s. - thanks to Valorie at *visual*vamp* for inspiring the title!

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